An illustration of a wizard with question marks all around him

6 Christianese Phrases to Watch Out for on Your Church Website (and What to Write Instead)

Let’s take a look at 6 examples of Christianese that might be on your church website, and words and phrases to use instead.

When you’re writing for your church’s website, you might think you’re being perfectly clear, but your target audience could interpret your words in a totally different way. 

We’ve rounded up some common words and phrases of “Christianese,” the insider jargon that churches and Christians use with one another. Christianese isn’t inherently bad—it’s a natural result of the Christian subculture and the way ideas are shared between believers. But when you use Christianese around newcomers, they can end up feeling alienated and misunderstood. 

Let’s take a look at 6 common pieces of Christianese that might be on your church website right now, and words and phrases to use instead:

Fellowship (v).

What you mean:

To meet with other church members for conversation (and possibly food), not for the purposes of corporate worship or Bible study. 

What they read: 

Most people outside of church don’t use the word “fellowship,” and definitely not as a verb.

If they use the word at all, it’s probably in the context of an advanced work training program or a small group of insiders, like in Lord of the Rings.

What to write instead:

The exact phrases you use in lieu of “fellowship” depend on how the tone you want to use on your website. Try phrases like these: 

  • Talk
  • Chat
  • Get to know one another
  • Hang out
  • Make friends

Quiet time.

What you mean:

Personal time spent reading the Bible, praying, or meditating on God’s word. “Quiet time” happens outside of corporate worship and group Bible studies. 

What they read: 

“Quiet time” sounds like something a parent of small children might instate when the baby is napping, or maybe a euphemism for a time out. 

What to write instead: 

Try to rewrite your copy to say exactly what you mean. “When you’re reading your Bible at home. . .” or “During your daily Bible readings. . .” 

These phrases are not only clearer than “quiet time,” they also imply the importance of personal Bible reading. 

Small group, fellowship group, discipleship group, life group, etc. 

What you mean:

Your church’s specific branding for small groups of church members who meet on a regular basis (usually weekly) for Bible study, prayer, and growing closer as a community. 

What they read: 

Because small groups vary so much, there is no single phrase or connotation an outsider may have. 

“Small group” for one person may be synonymous with “Sunday school class.” For another, it could be a Wednesday night dinner and Bible study at a church member’s home. 

Be careful when using a branded name specific to your church. The more you distance the name from what the actual group is (e.g. your church name begins with “B,” so you call them “B-groups,” which gets abbreviated to “BGs”), the less that name means to an outsider. 

What to write instead:

You can’t get around talking about small groups. Instead, try to be specific and clear when introducing your groups to a new visitor. Explain what your groups are, where and when they meet, and what happens there. 

You can still call your groups by a branded name, but don’t expect a new visitor to know what they are without context.

The Blood (of the Lamb)

What you mean: 

The sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross, which atones for our sins. “The Blood” often serves as a metaphor for God’s forgiveness. 

What they read:

Literal blood, possibly from a sheep. When you talk about being “washed in the Blood,” a newcomer might be picturing Carrie at the prom.

What to write instead:

If you’re writing about God’s forgiveness, say “God’s forgiveness.” If you’re writing about the literal event of the crucifixion, write “Jesus’s death on the cross.” 


What you mean: 

The moment or process of becoming a Christian; the starting point of one’s personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

What they read:

“Conversion” carries a lot of baggage. It has several non-religious meanings that could complicate your writing, and it has some negative connotations for people outside of the Church. (E.g. Conversion therapy, deathbed conversions, new converts to an extreme ideology.)

A newcomer to your church, or someone who is recovering from a bad experience with another church, may find any mentions of “conversion” manipulative and sinister. 

What to write instead:

It may be wordy, but try to say exactly what you mean. Talk about your relationship with God as a relationship, not an ideology. 

Body of Christ

What you mean:

Sometimes, “Body of Christ” refers to the big-C Church, the gathering of believers as a single unit. The metaphor puts Jesus Christ as the “head” of the body and thus, the head of the Church. 

In more liturgical settings, “Body of Christ” can be used in the context of the elements of Communion or the Lord’s Supper. You might refer to the bread as “the Body of Christ, broken for you.” 

What they read: 

Most outsiders will hear “Body of Christ” and think of a physical human body that walked the earth about 2,000 years ago. 

And if your reader has a background in church, they might assume you’re talking about Communion when you’re referring to the Church, or vice versa. 

What to write instead: 

If you’re writing about the Church (and you don’t have the time or space to go into the finer points of “church” vs. “Church”), write about “Christians worldwide,” “other believers,” or “Christians everywhere.” 

If you’re going to use the phrase “Body of Christ,” make sure there are proper context clues that will indicate whether you’re referring to the Church or Communion. 

Need a hand identifying Christianese on your website, and finding language that is welcoming to all visitors? Let GraceLed help! We’d love to work with you to create a website that makes new guests feel welcome and helps them find a place at your church. Schedule a call here so we can start a conversation about your church’s website!